Great Start to 2009 Dive Season

There was a great start to the 2009 dive season on Sunday 15th March with two dives on Black Chan, Hook Head.

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With force 4 south westerly winds forecast, Rosemary Finn, our DO opted to bring a boat as there was a risk of too much wash over the rocks, making entry & exit too dangerous for shore diving. This forced, last minute but wise decision put the pressure on our two equipment officers, Bernard Krugar and Pascal Michel to get a boat ready for Sunday. Working until midnight on Saturday night, the impossible was achieved and Bernard had Naas2 in the water, Slade Harbour at 9.15am Sunday morning, awaiting her crew.

All the hard work and sacrifice paid off with all enjoying two great dives with 4 – 5mt visibility just east of Hook Head at Black Chan. On this dive site there is a series of gullies running out from the shore (north – south) in 10 – 13mt with a fair amount of life for this early in the season. Everyone was happy heading home, pleased with their first dives in Irish waters for the 2009 season completed in such good conditions.Slade Harbour(1s)_edited-1.jpg

The whole day ran very smoothly with everyone doing their bit & when diving complete, the boat was soon loaded on trailer, ready for home. Those who needed to complete snorkels also achieving their goal & are now ready for diving. The combination of good conditions & fine weather produced a great bunch of enthusiastic, good humoured divers. Hopefully this is just a taste of what is to come for the Naas SAC 2009 dive season.