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County Kildare Community Network

I don't use computers very often, can I update our website?

I don't use computers very often, can I update our website?

Yes - but you might need some help.

The website is easy to update but you will find it easier if you have used the internet and email regularly and if you have used a word processing package like Microsoft Word. You might like to do some basic computer training before you try to update the site or attend training on how to update the site.

Computer training is available through the libraries Introduction to Computers Courses - check your local library branch website for details. Computer training is also available at the Adult Basic and Community Education Centre in Naas including the Computers for the Terrified course run by the Community Education Service.

Once you are comfortable with computers, we can provide a workshop on how to update your website. In the meantime, we can keep your website updated for you, just send your content to