Careers Evening - Tues 26th Feb 2013

The PTA is planning a careers evening for transition year, fifth and sixth year students on Tuesday 26th February from 7-9pm in the Assembly Hall. The event will provide an opportunity for students to meet around 40 people working in different professions and trades who have made their careers in a wide variety of fields and discuss how they got into their chosen career, what aptitudes are required, what they like and dislike about the job and so on. The idea is to provide the students with some real life insights into what particular careers entail and so help them to prepare for making the career and college choices that they will face in sixth year.  We are also expecting representatives from UCD, TCD, DIT, DCU, NUIM and St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. We would ask parents to strongly encourage TY, fifth and sixth years to attend and avail of this unique opportunity.