Voluntary Subscription Standing Order Form 2012/13

We are appealing for contributions to our annual Voluntary Subscription appeal. While the contribution is a voluntary one we urge parents, where possible, to view it as a necessary contribution to the school and to keeping the school operating to the best possible standards for the benefit of their children. Click here to download the Standing Order Form

We are very proud to say that over the past years the equipment and facilities this subscription has provided has greatly enhanced our school both educationally and recreationally. Projects supported by voluntary contributions in the past year include: Musical and after show party Library Book rental scheme Painting of the school Christmas Concert 10k Fun Run fundraiser Refreshments after sporting events First aid training Parent Information Booklet We appreciate that many homes have been directly impacted due to the current economic climate. Therefore any contribution, whatever the level, is greatly appreciated and will be used for the direct benefit of the pupils in the school. Payment can be made by cheque or cash. Alternatively we can facilitate payment by instalments throughout the year on completion of a standing order mandate which can be returned to the school.