
______________October Editorial_____________

Welcome to the October issue of MONA. This month sees some major changes in the Newsletter. We are sadly saying farewell to Linda Condon, who has done Trojan work on the Newsletter during the past two years, we hope that it will be au revoir rather than adieu. A new production team is getting involved in the Newsletter. We are glad to say that some of the teenage members of the community have agreed to take on the task and we ask that you all give them the support and encouragement which they deserve. This months Newsletter has been put together by Sonia Higgins, Hugh Maher and Paula Kelly. We hope to bring other teenage members of the community on board in future issues. If you feel you would like to get involved please contact any member of the committee as the MONA is a Community project & so is open to all.

A very successful Tir na Mona AGM was held in Kelly’s Pub, Timahoe. A new committee was elected as follows:Liam Holton, Chairperson; Sean Flannery, Asst. Chairperson; Pauline Finnegan, Secretary; Feargal MacEoin, Asst. Sec; Bernadette Crean, Treasurer; Bernard Owens, Asst. Tres; Shirley Higgins, PRO; John Larkin Asst PRO; Mr. John Kinsella, Coill Dubh was elected Hon President. We are sure you join with us in wishing the new committee every success in the coming year.

Now that Autumn is upon us we would remind all drivers to be on the lookout for children on the roads. We would also remind parents that it helps to make children visible to car drivers by dressing them in light coloured clothing and getting them to wear reflective arm bands and belts. Also we would ask parents to remind their children not to accept lifts from strangers.

The deadline for the November issue is Wednesday the 27th of October. Any items not in by the 27th of October may not be included. We would urge you to get your articles in on time as the Newsletter is now being compiled by school goers who are giving up their limited free time in the evenings and at weekends.

The MONA Committee.

Table of Events, in the Community

6th Oct. 8.00p.m. Staplestown Community Alert Group AGM

6th Oct. 8.00p.m. CAREERS NIGHT St. Farnan’s, Prosperous

10th Oct. St. Kevin’s G.F.C. Monster Auction

14th Oct. 11.45-12.20 Mobile Library at Staplestown

27th Oct. Deadline for articles etc. for Nov. Issue

28th Oct. 11.45-12.20 Mobile Library at Staplestown

30th October Area Cleanup

12th November Launch of Area Development Plan

The Area Development Plan is currently with the printers and we hope to launch it on the 12th November, in Dowlings of Prosperous. - Watch this space for further details.

The views represented in this Newsletter are not necessarily the views of the MONA committee. While every attempt is made to print factual information, we are not responsible for third party information that may be incorrect at time of going to press. Where errors occur, every attempt will be made to redress and amend. All parties have the right to reply within the MONA Newsletter.

Thank you.


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