Platinum Clubhouse Newbridge, Co.Kildare, Ireland.
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January 2005 Newsletter


Editorial Happy New year from all at Platinum Clubhouse. Now that all the turkey and ham is gone (thank god!) we would like to welcome everyone back after the Christmas and New Years break. Already we are busy planning for the new year ahead and looking forward to it. The Young Adults Group is in progress and has already held a successful pool tournament. All young members are encouraged to get involved in the group and have a say in wherever your interests lie. That’s all for now. Just to say hope all the new years resolutions are going well and people are sticking with them. Once again, Happy New Year!

If anyone has any articles or comments they would like to submit please e-mail them to us at:

A New Years Prayer (2005)

Another year over and one begun,
Hope this year is better than the last.
May the new year be of fun
With cherished memories of the past.
Each child to grow strong and stern
Live a life of adventure free
Many aspects of life to learn
With a while new future to see.
Peace and goodwill shine on all
Look to the future in a special way
While all the years swiftly they fall
To look forward in life to a better day
One day everyone will live in happiness
And impoverishment cease to be
A new world our hearts caress
Until all mankind soon be free.



Platinum participated in Swimming lessons in The Gables in Newbridge. This excellent facility was available complete with instructor for six weeks. We could learn or be taught by Carmel, our instructor , one of four basic strokes which are backstroke, butterfly, breast stroke or freestyle. The challenge was met by 2 staff and 7 members. At the end of the sessions I was just about able to swim one of the widths of the pool as I had difficulty with keeping my knees from bending. I also enjoyed a spell in the sauna, Jacuzzi and steam room.


The National Hunting Season

The National Hunt Season Winter is here and with it comes National Hunt racing. During the months of December, January, February and March we have the best jump racing that leads up to the big festivals in Cheltenham, Punchestown, Fairyhouse and Aintree. Finding winners is as hard as trying to find a needle in a haystack. In England leading trainers to follow are; Martin Pipe, Miss H. Knight, Philip Hobbs and Paul Nichols. In Ireland leading trainers to follow are: Mrs. J. Harrington, W. P. Mullins, Paul Nolan and Noel Meade. Horses to follow for the season are: Best Mate, Hedge Hunter, Rooster Booster and Mark The Man. Hope you have a bit of luck over the season ahead.


Tips for Winter Colds

Treated by rest, plenty of fluids and a light diet. Honey & Lemon juice in a little warm water makes a good cough mixture. A little petroleum jelly carefully applied on a cotton bud to insides of nostrils will relieve dry soreness.


Wed 12th - Mid-Week Social Bowling, Portlaoise

Fri 28th - Employment Dinner Clubhouse

At The Flicks

During Advent I went to see The Polar Express and The Phantom of the Opera in my favourite cinema, the UGC, on Parnell Street. The Polar Express is a film filled with the magic of Christmas. Starring Tom Hanks, this film gets the thumbs up from me as one for all the family. I would give it ten out of ten for its graphics and animation. I would recommend The Phantom of the Opera if you enjoy theatre. It tells the tale of the masked phantom and people mysteriously dying at the theatre. It was quite scary at times. All in all I really enjoyed both films and look forward to going again. The next film I hope to see is Lemony Snickets—A Series of Unfortunate Events, starring Jim Carey.

Robert C.

Catering Unit

During Advent I went to see The Polar Express and The Phantom of the Opera in my favourite cinema, the UGC, on Parnell Street. The Polar Express is a film filled with the magic of Christmas. Starring Tom Hanks, this film gets the thumbs up from me as one for all the family. I would give it ten out of ten for its graphics and animation. I would recommend The Phantom of the Opera if you enjoy theatre. It tells the tale of the masked phantom and people mysteriously dying at the theatre. It was quite scary at times. All in all I really enjoyed both films and look forward to going again. The next film I hope to see is Lemony Snickets—A Series of Unfortunate EventThe Catering Unit is always a busy unit, all help is very gratefully accepted. December is the busiest month of the year with Christmas baking and Pudding making. Mulled wine morning for all. Members have given great help. The month of January will be a tight month budget wise for a lot, also many people will have gained that extra few pounds over the festive season..

Crispy Baked Cod in Tomato Sauce

Number of servings is four; preparation time is 30 mins and the cooking time is 30 mins. Fish suitable for baking is Haddock, Mackeral, Herring and Trout.

1 and a half lbs. Filleted Fish/skinned.
Tomato Sauce: 1 small onion,1 clove garlic, 1-2 celery sticks, 1 tin tomatoes, salt & pepper, 1 level tablesp sugar, 1 tsp veg oil.
Topping: 1 tsp veg oil, 2oz/50g white or brown breadcrumbs (2 slices), 1 oz/25gm cheddar cheese grated.

Pre-heat oven to 200oC/400c F/ Gas Mark 6. Wash and dry fish, cut into neat pieces. Place in a lightly greased shallow ovenproof dish. Tomato Sauce; Heat oil in small saucepan, Stir in finely chopped onions, garlic, & celery. Cook for 2-3 mins until veg soften but not coloured. Add tomatoes, sugar, salt & pepper and bring to boil, stirring all the time. Cover & Simmer for 10-15 mins. Meanwhile prepare the topping. Heat oil in remove from heat and stir in breadcrumbs then mix in the grated cheese. Pour the tomato sauce over the fish. Sprinkle the topping evenly all over. Cook for 30 mins until topping is crisp and brown.

All the same - for Pessimists

I told the clock to wait a tick
I asked the hammer not to tick the brick
But all I got was gross abuse
So what’s the blooming blasted use?
I got up this morning feeling great
Tripped on a bottle near the gate
When I got up from that I hit a tree
So what the hell is next for me!
I went into town and lost my purse
My keys were in it to make it worse
A friend has the spare one-Out of town
Don’t ask me if I’m feeling down
I out the road and out of gas
And even friends just whiz on past
I’ll never get out of bed again
Except the roof is leaking - so its all the same!!

Lydia A. Foy


Happy New Year to all members!

Birthday Wishes to: Damien, Mary M, Gareth, Thomas S, Barry and Mary F. Have a great day........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to our new members: Eddie, Stephen

The views, opinions and beliefs expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of Platinum Clubhouse. Any articles, items or pictures in this newsletter may only be reproduced following permission from Platinum Clubhouse.

Editorial Team & Contributors:

Philip, Lydia, Robert C, Clive, Robbie, Paddy Caroline, Breda.

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