b'6 Goal 6 Community Health and Wellbeing Goal: Empowered and cohesive The Council promotes, encourages and is committed communities with strong to community-based adaptation to climate changeunderstanding of climate risks, by working with local communities and relevantincreased resilience to impacts of agencies.The actions of this strategy focus onclimate change with capacity to empowering communities to use their ownknowledge and decision-making processes to take champion climate action at local level. effective action locally.This will help establish levels of risk to communities of climate change impacts and Kildare County Council has a strong relationship withprioritise potential adaptation actions. the many communities it serves across the countyand will pursue an active role in public awareness, Building capacity and resilience are to the fore of the engagement and motivation to act in relation to thethree objectives to which the actions of this goal are challenges and opportunities presented by climateset out:change.To build capacity and resilience within While the Council takes an effective position to communities.provide a leadership role in addressing the impactsof climate change, it is recognised that, there is noTo collaborate with other agencies and groups monopoly on solutions to address the issues aroundworking with communities to enhance the climate resilience. The support of the wider effectiveness of community programmescommunity is very much needed and encouraged torelated to climate change.advance not only adaptation measures but all areas of climate action in a local context.To protect and encourage climate resilient community infrastructure. 85'