b'3 Vision and GoalsVision The vision and high level goals for climate adaptation are based on the priorities expressed by the climate Kildare County Council will be adaptation team and are supported by the assessment a leader in climate change of the key vulnerabilities and risk, experience, as well as best practices. The order of the goals does notadaptation taking an holistic allreflect the order or priority or preference for theimplementation of actions. It is acknowledged that of local authority approach byadapting to climate change requires a flexiblemainstreaming climate changeapproach and this will be guided by continuedlearning and understanding of the impacts.considerations into its functions Climate adaptation is promoted through theand services, thereby buildingimplementation of actions set out under six high level goals (refer to Chapter 7). This focused approach preparedness, responsivenessseeks to work towards a strategic vision that envisions and resilience into both its Kildare County Council as a strong leader tosuccessfully deliver the many benefits ofoperations as well as in the adaptation.The vision and six high level goals are underpinned by four guiding principles. communities in which it serves.Local AdaptationGovernance andBusiness OperationsCommunity Health InfastructureandandWellbeingBuilt EnvironmentHigh Level GoalsNatural Resources Landuseandand Cultural Development InfrastructureDrainageand Flood Management22'