Rubbish Day 1999 - 2000

Over the last couple of years the rubbish problem in Naas has increased due to new facilities, personal carelessness and not enough respect for the town we live in.

The reasons for the litter problem are illustrated below:

1) There are simply not enough bins
2) Personal Carelessness
3) Lack of care for the environment

Rubbish is carelessly dumped on our streets, paths, scenic areas etc.

On the 20th April of this year the Youth Parliament decided to organinse a Rubbish Day to try and promote liter awareness.

All the schools got together and between them collecred roughly a tonne of rubbish. Among the most common items found were beer cans and fast food rubbish. It was a great and indeed well worth evening off school. It brought a great awareness to the tough job handed to the town cleaners.

We should be more considerate to the cleaners and do our own bit to ensure their load is lessened for both their sake and indeed our own.