Councillors query trucks about-turn by colleague

NAAS, 28 January 2002: by Brian Byrne. Two Naas councillors have called on one of their colleagues to explain why he apparently did an about-turn in relation to the ongoing row about truck traffic through Naas.

Cllrs Pat McCarthy and Mary Glennon of Naas Town Council (Cllr Glennon is also a member of Kildare County Council) have issued a statement relating to the progress of a notice of motion which would prevent the large trucks coming through Naas town that was on the agenda at the recent meeting of the Naas area committee of Kildare Countu Council.

The notice of motion had been jointly tabled by Councillor Timmy Conway and Councillor Mary Glennon, but it seems that when it came up for discussion, Cllr Conway refused to support it

“We are amazed at his attitude,” say the Naas councillors in their statement. “On each occasion when this issue was discussed at Naas Town Council, Councillor Conway seemed to fully support the idea. He also attended the protest march in November.

“We would ask why his attitude was different when it came to the Naas Area Committee meeting. Is it because this meeting was held in private?

“In order to initiate the process of imposing a Bye-law that would prevent trucks of over five tons, coming through the main street of Naas it is essential that it get the support of the Naas Area Committee. This is clearly the wish of the majority of people in Naas and their elected councillors should reflect this wish.

“We feel that Councillor Conway should explain his attitude on this serious matter to the people of Naas.”

KNN has asked Cllr Conway for a comment, but at the time of writing there has been no contact from him.
