Monread play area near complete?

NAAS, 4 November 2002: As the latest deadline (November 8) for the completion of the Monread Playground approaches, it seems that warnings about drainage problems on the site might be coming true.

In these pictures, taken November 3, it appears that mud-wrestling and water paddling are also going to be available at the playground, the provision of which has been a running source of controversy for many years.

In a submission by residents of the area when they were negotiating the facilities of the Monread Park with Naas Town Council (then the UDC), drainage fears were among their concerns highlighted.

Work finally began on the facility last month, but it is as yet unclear if a waterproof surface between the play items is going to be provided. Or if it will be enclosed behind a security fence as is the Newbridge playground built by Kildare County Council as a model for similar facilities proposed for other towns.

Meanwhile, equipment at the only other playground in Naas, the one built by residents of Kingsfurze, remains locked away since the summer, when insurers declined to renew cover. Though Mayor Timmy Conway made strenuous efforts to have the facility brought under the council's wing for insurance purposes. It is thought that officials are loath to do this, in case it sets a precedence for other estates.

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by Brian Byrne