Amended Maynooth plan to go before council

MAYNOOTH, 9 October: by Bill Trapman. At the recent Leixlip Area Committee, the Maynooth Development Plan was cleared to go before the next full Council meeting for their approval on October 22nd next.

A number of outstanding issues were clarified at this meeting, however Cllr Senan Griffin is still of the view that sections of the Plan are contrary to Government guidelines and strategic planning guidelines.

Notably, Cllr Griffin (left) is concerned that the zoning of land that has a history of flooding and the knowledge that houses in Beaufield, Meadowbrook, Newtown, Parsons St, Parson Lodge, Parson Court and parts of Castledawson will be at risk. The present position is that they have a 57% risk of flooding over the next 25 years if urgent remedial work is not carried out.

Just short of 140 acres is zoned residential the County Strategy identified a need of between 120-140 acres which was then endorsed by the Strategic Planning guidelines for the Greater Dublin Areas.

The principle features of the Amended Draft Plan are: Residential & Amenity Zoning unaltered from the Draft Plan Moyglare Road; Dublin Road change from Industrial to Residential Zoning on Doyles Land; a small reduction in Amenity Land to Agriculture; Rathcoffey Road Area Reduction of the amount of Land Zoned due to flooding; 7.6 Hectares of land zoned residential in this location only on the basis that flood alleviation measures are in place prior to any house building (in context of hydrology model); and a small increase in residential zoning on Celbridge Road (Feeney Land).
