Submission to Leixlip planning application

04 July 2003: In a submission on a planning application for the demolition of a house beside Leixlip Gate and the building of 69 homes at Easton Road, Rinawade, Leixlip, local councillor Catherine Murphy has asked that some of the proposed houses be reduced to one storey.

She also wants a number of existing houses in the area to be connected to the main sewer in Liexlip, which, Cllr Murphy says, would 'create goodwill'.

"The adjoining area of Leixlip Gate was up to quite recently a cluster of houses in quite a rural setting," she says. "The location of the motorway interchange and changes in land zoning has impacted considerably on the living environment of people in this area. In order to create some goodwill and for good environmental reasons connecting these homes to the Main Sewer I know would be greatly appreciated by all involved. The reduction of the height of a very small number of two story houses to one story where they are immediately behind houses in Leixlip Gate would overcome overlooking concerns also.

Cllr Murphy, who is now an Independent councillor following her recent resignation from the Labour Party, also notes that some trees in the area have preservation orders on them.

"Leixlip is particularly lucky to have significant numbers of trees which add greatly to the town. I would have some concerns that the roots would be undermined during development and would wish this issue to be considered and further advice requested on the issue prior to the application being decided.

She also says that some of the building heights are out of character with neighbouring developments and refers Kildare County Council's Planning Department to the Leixlip Local Area Plan which states (4.1.5) Building Heights: "a high building is defined as one which is significantly higher than neighbouring or nearby buildings."… The development control section of the plan (4.2.2.) Design of Layouts in the 2002 Leixlip Development Plan states: …"Generally however apartments, or retail developments with apartments above, should be located in the town centre zone."

Story by
Brian Byrne

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