Private sites to go ahead in Celbridge

CELBRIDGE, 21 June 2002: by Bill Trapman. Deputy Emmet Stagg has now established that there is no structural impediment to proceeding with the development of the ‘private sites’ at St. Patrick’s Park, Celbridge.

"It was feared that a mains sewer pipe was laid across the area that would impede the project. However, I have now examined the sewer maps and I established that the sewer is in fact in the soccer club grounds," Deputy Stagg said.

"I am very anxious that the sites area is now developed without further delay as there are a large number of qualified families waiting for homes."

"I will also be urging my colleagues to remove the proposed crèche from the proposal in light of the strong opposition to it from adjoining neighbours in St. Patrick’s Park and the advice that it would not be possible to construct a financially sustainable crèche in this small area."
