Kildare estate to get speed ramps

KILDARE, 10 August: by Grace Halford. Residents of Assumpta Villas in Kildare Town are to get speed ramps on the road through the estate, following their campaign to have something done about motorists taking short cuts through their area.

Traffic problems, long delays and tailbacks have become synonymous with Kildare in recent months, while work continues on the Kildare -Monastrevin By-pass. As a result vehicles have resorted to taking shortcuts through various estates in the town in an effort to avoid delays. But they won’t do so too easily through Assumpta Villas soon.

The campaign by local residents was instigated when two local children were involved in road traffic accidents while playing in the estate.

Senator Sean O Fearghail, who has campaigned to have speed restrictions and traffic calming applied to the area, has welcomed the fact that work would soon get underway. "The delay in installing the ramps was as a result of a design flaw in the style of the particular ramp that had been originally decided upon," he said this week, adding that the decision to review the design followed several complaints to the Department of the Environment by residents in Naas where similar ramps had been installed.

While Senator O Fearghail said he welcomed the news and looked forward to the completion of the project he said that as long as access through the estate exists the problem will be difficult to alleviate.
