Number of Visits to Monasterevin Online Grows!

We use a tracking system called Sitemeter to monitor visitors to the site. The numbers for the week ending Sunday 19 November show a good number of visitors to the site so if you have any news or photos you want posted on the site just send them to

Club members can send minutes of recent meetings to keep the town informed. Students, we welcome your photos of Debs or other school events.



Visits Total ........................ 2,231

Average per Day ................. 24

Average Visit Length .......... 4:55

This Week ...................... 167

Page Views Total ........................ 7,895

Average per Day ................. 88

Average per Visit .............. 3.7

This Week ...................... 613


You can also see this information by clicking on the image at the bottom of the page that looks like this :sitemeter.gif