
____________November Editorial_____________

Now that winter is upon us we have several seasonal items in this months newsletter. The tragedies of recent days on the roads and in homes reminds us that we should all be vigilant about safety. The Credit Union organisation is promoting road safety and has reflective arm bands and reflectors for bicycles; ask at your local branch.

Fire prevention in the home is vital for us all - here are some of the tips provided by the National Safety Council:

install a smoke alarm and regularly check the batteries

young children should never be left alone

never leave a chip pan unattended

use a spark guard around fires

totally ban smoking in bed

take special precautions at holiday periods such as Christmas and the New Year

On a lighter note we have the Festive Season to look forward to but before that we have a major event for Tír na Móna - the launch of our first 5 year Development Plan will take place on Friday the 12th November in Dowlings of Prosperous, guest speaker Mr. Charlie McCreevy, T.D. Minister for Finance. Our annual auction will also take place on the same night and light refreshments will be served. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

The MONA Committee.

Table of Events, in the Community

5th Nov St. Kevins are in the county final of the Bilingual quiz in Allenwood.
5th Nov Race Night in The Bridge House Bar, Enfield in aid of Newtown Church & St. Peter’s Restoration Fund.
11th Nov Library in Staplestown from 11.50am - 12.30pm
12th Nov Tir na Mona Social Night including the launch of the Development Plan & Auction.
24th Nov Final date for articles for the December issue of the Mona.
25th Nov Library in Staplestown from 11.50am - 12.30pm.
26th Nov Quiz night in Kelly’s pub, Timahoe in aid of  Timahoe School Christmas Party.

The views represented in this Newsletter are not necessarily the views of the MONA committee. While every attempt is made to print factual information, we are not responsible for third party information that may be incorrect at time of going to press. Where errors occur, every attempt will be made to redress and amend. All parties have the right to reply within the MONA Newsletter.

Thank you.


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